Robert Parker, Revisited

As it turns out, two of Parker’s characters are going to live on.  It’s sad that Cole and Hitch are not among them.  I’ll never know how Everett Cole resolved his relationship with his love interest—One Allie French, adeptly portrayed on the silver screen by Renee Zellweger.

New Spenser novels will be written by Ace Atkins, and new Jesse Stone stories will be written by Parker’s long time collaborator, Michael Brandman, both with the full blessing of Mr. Parker’s widow, Joan.  Or so I read.  A new Jesse Stone story titled Killing The Blues is set for release in September of 2011.

I’ll get to see what Jesse’s been up to recently in Paradise, and see what sort of woman troubles he can get into.  I’m rooting for Jesse to have some sort of on going relationship with Sunni Randall (another of Parker’s Novel series’), who has, um, interfaced with Jesse in the past.  But his ex-wife, Jen, will probably muck things up for him.  She’s like that, you know.

OK, then—that’s that. 

Thank you, Joan Parker, for making this happen.  If you ever need anything that I can provide, just let me know.


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