
Showing posts from March, 2022

Vegetables and Capes

  Honestly…..If you insist on calling vegetables “veggies”, I will no longer take you seriously about pretty much anything. And now I hear that at Disney resorts, there is no longer a welcoming phrase of “Ladies and Gentlemen…..Boys and Girls”--It’s been replaced with the gender-neutral term “Dreamers of All Ages”. What a Bunch-O-Hooey. No more “Boys and Girls”…..Don’t even say those words at a Disney resort, I guess. Look, I have grand-daughters and grand-sons. They are, in fact, “boys and girls”. And I’d like to think that they’re also welcome at Disneyland in the off-chance that their parents can afford the entry fee. You’ve just gotta wonder where Disney stands on Mickey and Minnie Mouse these days. Or Daisy and Donald Duck. I was watching some MST 3K—Something about 50’s era spaceships and such. An old serial made into a movie, I think. What I wonder about is why did capes go out of fashion with aliens? They look right snappy. The cherry trees here in Castle

Blue Skies

  Up here in bucolic Castle Rock, we had 2 consecutive non-rainy days. So I cut the grass. Made me feel like I live in the ‘burbs again. I actually like taking care of a lawn.   Even with all of the hoop-la about climate change/global warming the rabbits on our hill and the squirrels and all the birds seem to think it’s Spring. The cherry and apple trees and tulips agree. We have neighbors who have turkeys and ducks. Other neighbors have chickens. Maybe I could build an aviary and we could have squab. Tasty little critters. There’s also doves and American robins the size of barnyard fowl here. I bet they’d taste pretty good too.  I bring this up because the price of gasoline is causing my food budget to shrink. Commercials on TV are always louder than the programming. I have a TV that compensates, but it’s still overwhelming. I was just wondering if the advertisers know that I have a “mute” button. I also wonder if advertisers (and the programming staff of the TV station

Mexican Meat

  My Bride makes a dish that I really like. She has always called it Mexican Meat. I call it Messkin Meat, but I mean no disrespect by that. It’s a name for the meat dish, not the people who are now and have always been my friends. They understand that I’m actually harmless. At least they THINK that I’m harmless. You might find disagreement if you look hard enough. I like all sorts of Mexican food, and when I’ve got a cold or the flu or otherwise just don’t feel quite right, I medicate myself with Jalapenos. It’s something that works. But….Mexican Meat. Our little Terrier-Dog, Lil, gets meat scraps all the time. Parts of steaks, chops, chicken skin…..She’s a lucky dog. But she does draw the line at rancid and “sorta” rancid hamburger meat. Back to Mexican Meat. Today, I did a regrettable thing and happened by while the Bride was cooking up a Mess-O-Messkin Meat at the same time that she was preparing Lil a meat plate. Lil got some trimmings from a pot roast.


  It tickles me to watch the “weather” reports on news programs. Tickles me even MORE to watch The Weather Channel. I’ve been living in the Pacific Northwest for about 6 or 7 years now, and I’m here to tell you that we have wide deep rivers and massive lakes that are just chock full of fresh clean sweet water. It never really quits the rainy season here. The standing joke (based, of course, in truth) is that we have two seasons—Winter and August. Typically, we usually have about 3 months of decent weather—middle of July into sometime in September. That’s it. Then it rains. A smattering of snow, and that’s always a treat, but it’s rain. And, frankly, it takes the gas right out of me after a month or so. Boredom and depression in the winter are very real things up in these parts. True, we’re not as hammered as, say, North Dakota, but it’s still pretty grim. Which brings me to the weathermen (this included weatherwomen, just to make sure you know I’m not a sexist)

Yes, Virginia, There Will Be A Baseball Season

Looks like we will, after all, have a baseball season this year. The millionaires and billionaires buried the hatchet and agreed to disagree for another 5 or so years. Best I can tell, the biggest thing they agreed to was having a designated hitter in the National League. Shit. I don’t even like divisional play, much less this clap-trap. Pitchers are no longer baseball players. They’re just chuckers of orbs. They shouldn’t be allowed to even call themselves baseball players. Or qualify for MVP voting—that really should be reserved for players. Same goes for career designated hitters. They are not baseball players. They simply bat-swingers, and nothing more. Even though the season is starting late, they have also agreed on a full 162 game slate. This means, of course, that there’s going to be a crap-load of 7 inning double headers. More heresy, you ask me. 7 innings does not a baseball game make. They did this nonsense because the owners only pay their employees for g

The UPS Guy

  With all the talk up here in the greater Pacific Northwest about the never-ending drought (regardless of the flooding, I guess) and global warming, and protests against fossil fuel, and that idiot Greta Thurnberg…….The sky is falling crowd….. Well, the Dogwoods here in Castle Rock are blooming, the birds are nesting and, from what I can tell, making little birds. So, counting the crises (not the Wuhan Flu, but the other ones), we got Fossil Fuel, Global Warming, Climate Change, Flooding, Drought, War, Gun Violence, Police Brutality…..I’m certain that there’s more. But in these parts, it just looks like Spring is right around the corner. At least the Dogwoods and the birds think so. Soon as it warms up a little (it was 22 degrees American this morning), and dries out some, my big crisis will be mowing the grass. Another big Springtime event is re-setting the clocks for Daylight Savings Time, which happens this weekend. Really looking forward to that. We get

$4.99 and 9/10ths

  I don’t live an expensive life. My house in bucolic Castle Rock was built in 1935. I drive a 21 year old VW Beetle. I’m a retired Law Enforcement Officer and my medical benefits are supplied by MediCare. That’s not an extravagant life. I’m on a fixed income. I have Social Security and some retirement benefits from the two agencies I worked for (for 32 years). I’m a U.S. Army veteran. I’ve always done my part. Paid my taxes. Voted. Respected the elected officials. Always carried my own water, you could say. I felt sorry for Joe Biden. He seemed (and seems) befuddled. He lurches when he walks. His wife has to hold his hand on steps to prevent him from stumbling. I felt sorry for him. I really did. When Donald Trump was president, the gas station here in Castle Rock sold gasoline for $2.75 a gallon, more or less. Today, I filled up the VW at the gas station and paid a heart-stopping $4.99 and 9/10ths a gallon. In Castle Rock, for Christ’s

In The Beginning.....

  Ya’ know…..I first started farting around on the Internet a really long time ago. The first browser I used was called Cello. Us Cello users called ourselves cellists. This pre-dated Netscape by quite a distance. Everything was text-based, because the speed of downloading information was restricted to, at the most, a 14.4 or 9600 baud POTS modem speed. And graphics eat up a crap-load of bandwidth. Don’t know what POTS is? Shame on you. That’s Plain Old Telephone Service. Modem was short for Modulate-Demodulate, which is now irrelevant, but the term has hung on. No, no one knows why. I remember clearly when I bought an upgrade to the IBM 386 I had been using. The machine I got had a Pentium 60 processor, 14.4 modem, 4 MB of RAM, a 560 MB hard drive, a sound card, a color monitor and Windows 3.1. Brother, that was a MACHINE!! I bought it at Circuit City. Back in those days, everything was freely accessible, and the WWW was only a small part of the experience. E-Mail


  Energy shortages? Easy. Go nuclear. Remember…..”The China Syndrome” was just a movie, not a scientific expose. Remember…..Nuclear disasters like Chernobyl fail to have the millions of years of on-going disaster that the Chicken Little folks would have you believe. Nuclear. That’s the answer. Maybe the ONLY answer. Get yourself enough working nuclear power plants and you put the Russian oil and gas industry completely out of business. OPEC too. And no, I don’t really want to hear all about solar, hydro-electric, or wind. There’s not enough of that to even power all the cell phones in the USA, not to mention the onset of electric cars. Don’t be stupid.

Cold Brew--WOO-HOO!!

  As promised, here’s the follow-up info on the cold brew coffee maker. Mine came with instructions, and each instance makes about 2 quarts of concentrated coffee. To make that much cold coffee takes 2 cups of ground coffee and a whole bunch of water. Plus, of course, the two days wait. I only waited about a day and a half. You put the coffee in the strainer, put the water and the strainer in the carafe, screw down the water-tight lid, and give it a shake. Like a martini shake. Like that. It’s to get the coffee grounds damp. Then stick it in the fridge. Give it a courtesy shake once in a while to keep the grounds moist. What you get at the end of the process is a really tasty, highly concentrated carafe of cold coffee. I mixed it with diet coca cola and Hoo-Boy was it good. I’m thinking it’ll make a really good hot drink all by itself, watered down, with booze, with cream, whatever...I’m a fan. The balance of the 2 quarts of coffee is in the carafe, in the

Professional Baseball 2022

  I don’t know about you, but I’ve just about had it with the MLBPA—That’s the “Player’s Association” of major league baseball players to the uninitiated. Think union. Yeah, the owners are all richer than God…..Billionaires, I think. At least most of them. And their investment keeps growing. Yep—they actually make money even if they have a losing team. But it’s their team. They're the owners, after all. A back-up second baseman who plays half the games in a season, hits .220 with 10 RBI’s and 15 errors still makes league minimum. Oh, that’s in the neighborhood of $750,000.00 a year. And that’s a lot of scratch just to play a game. But the player’s association wants a shit-load more. They can KMA. If I was an owner, here’s what I would do: I’d cancel the contracts of every player on the roster who refuses to play after a given date (like today, maybe). Let them sue. It’ll take years to resolve the lawsuits. Next, I’ll have open try-outs for the major

Flood News.....and Cold Brew

  Interesting weather up here in the greater Pacific Northwest. Interesting if you’re REALLY into rain. On an average year, it rains for 9 months, then, if lucky, we get about 3 months of decent weather. If it fails to rain for more than 3 consecutive days, even in August, the weather reports and the local newspaper start talking about drought. Idiots. Then, there’s the constant rejoinder as follows: “We really need the rain…..That’s why it’s so green here”. MEGO. We are just now recovering from flooding due to what was called a “Pineapple Express”--A non-ending stream of heavy rain originating in the South Pacific (or thereabouts) and aimed directly at me. It rained for three days straight. I’m seeing a little bit of sun today, so I guess it’s mostly over for the time being, but the Cowlitz river (the one that runs right through the middle of bucolic Castle Rock) flooded—Not in Castle Rock, but elsewhere. The grater Seattle area was also hammered…..but they, of course, dese