The Last Man On Earth

Movie Notes from the Rust Belt Youngstown, Ohio..... I figured that since I did a Movie Note or two on The Last Woman On Earth, the least I could do, in the interest of fairness (something Republicans know very little about, if you believe much of what passes for news on MSNBC), was to write a little something about The Last Man On Earth. A 1964 black and white offering starring Vincent Price out of the public domain, I caught up to The Last Man On Earth via my beloved ROKU box on The Movie Vault. Barely longer than an hour, but crammed full of story and progeny. The story is straight forward—bad bugs infect the Earth's population, killing off just about everyone. The survivors are turned into vampires, except for the one lone human—Vincent Price. Turns out that he's immune due to an old bat bite. And he spends his days preparing for the vampires to come a-calling each night. If this sounds a little familiar, it should. Same story in 1971s The Omega Man (Charle...