Phonetic Alphabets

I was an MP in the U.S. Army, and later a law enforcement officer for both the city of Santa Rosa, California, and the county of Sonoma, California. I retired from public service after over 30 years in the business. Turned out that I still needed to work, so I'm a security officer in private industry. I have a private investigator's license and have done some of that work, but I discovered, much to my dismay, that while I am really quite competent at the work, I'm a crappy businessman. I told you that so I could tell you this: Working in private security is either pretty nice or truly awful, depending almost entirely on whether the outfit you work for is headed up by a former law enforcement officer……….or not. I now work as a security officer for two really good private companies and a really nice community college. It wasn't always that way. I worked, ever so briefly, for two really miserable companies. One of them had rank amateurs as dispatcher...